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Expression of Interest Open

Daily Tours 

About The Centre

The Centre opened in 2013 and is a privately family-owned business. In 2014 we opened our Kindy program, which was a success. 

The Service is Accredited by Australian Children's Care and Education Quality Authority. (ACECQA)


As a Centre we are continuously evolving with the creation of natural play spaces, as well as new areas within the Centre.

Our Management prides ourselves on a wonderful centre, as well a high levels of Excellence, care and education.

National Quality Standards 

The National Quality Standards (NQS) is a key part of the National Quality Framework (NQF) which nationally regulates all childcare Centres.

It assesses and holds the quality improvement for the quality education and care and outside school hours care services in Australia.

There are 7 National Quality Standard Areas important for children's learning.


  1. Educational program and practice

  2. Children’s health and safety

  3. Physical environment

  4. Staffing arrangements

  5. Relationships with children

  6. Collaborative partnerships with
    families and communities

  7. Governance and Leadership


Centre's 8 Key Goals 

  1. Ensure 7 Quality Areas are applied by every staff member and delivering a First Class - World Class Service  

  2. Families and children feel a sense of being, becoming and belonging. A homely open environment for them both

  3. The environment is always safe and secure  for all the Educators, children and families

  4. Children are guided in ways that is not invasive, teaches them to respect and understand the world they live in

  5. The curriculum is based on John Dewey. His theory is that the curriculum is all based around the child's interests and is an inclusive curriculum. The child's social and psychological development is at the core of the curriculum

  6. Educators use knowledge of the child to plan and implement intentional teaching, plan stimulating problems to solve and promoting active involvement in activities based around real-life situations

  7. Community inclusion, participation and partnerships (Families and  community  partnerships)

  8. Building a vibrant community hub in the Landsdale and surrounding areas

LELE 9 Workplace Culture Values

The Owners, Management and Educators at Landsdale Early Learning and Enrichment (LELE) have intentionally created a great workplace. This is not only for the children and's for everyone that works and comes to the Centre.

As a Centre we have consciously chosen what is valued in our workplace. It was a process over a year of reflecting and seeing what is valuable to us all. We included what the children, parents and staff value.

The following LELE 9 Workplace Culture Values are what makes our Centre a great place to work.


  • Fun: Laughter, Smile, Sense of Humor, Fun Energy, Enjoyable

  • Enthusiasm: Positive Vibe, Happy, Motivation, Energy

  • Respect: Speaking Equally, Acceptance, Pride, Understanding, Recognition, Patience

  • Communication: Positive Body Language, Open, Honest, Transparent, Engaging, Asking, Feedback

  • Health/Wellbeing: Wellness, Hygiene, Recharge, Work/Life Balance, Cleanliness

  • Environment: Calm, Pride in our Building, Relaxing Environment - Give 100% To Our Work

  • Support: Caring, Helping Others, Empowering, Sharing Experiences, Encouragement

  • One Team/Teamwork: Collaboration, Innovation, Working Together, Good Routine, Getting Things Done

  • Learning/Growing: Education, Development, Reflection, Best Practise, Improve and Better Self

A LELE 9 Workplace Culture Values Tree.p


We'd love to hear from you

08 6305 0999




Book A Tour


Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 6.30am - 6pm 

 08 6305 0999


 215 Landsdale Rd, Landsdale
 Perth, Western Australia 6065

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Equal Opportunity Employer
Education & Care Regulatory Unit Service Approval Number: SE-00014233

© All Copyrights 2019 Landsdale Early Learning & Enrichment

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